
Price Search Site Example (React)

React App uses Price Searcher API Github | Demo Link To fast install dependences, I recommend to use yarn . Otherwise, you can use…

React App uses Price Searcher API

Github | Demo Link

To fast install dependences, I recommend to use yarn. Otherwise, you can use npm run instead yarn.

For example: npm i && npm run dev npm run test npm run build




yarn dev


Your build version will be under dist folder.

yarn build


yarn test

yarn test-watch

Test report will be gernerated under project folder root test-report.html

##Otherwise, you can use npm run instead yarn.

For example:

npm i && npm run dev

npm run test

npm run build



Dynamic page routing

The project able to generate routes base Pages/index.js file, as long as creating new page under Pages folder, and export it in Pages/index.js, the Libs/RouterWrapper will generate routes. Please refer AppContainer.js file about dynamic routing.


Under Reducers/Search.js defined search reducer, which store the search results, pagination, and loading states. The actions are also sitting in same file, only reducer actions able to chage global store states.

Price Search Site Example (React)
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